Grade 12 Physics Concepts: Types of Collisions
Elastic Collisions In an elastic collision, the total kinetic energy in the system is the same before and after the collision. Losses to...
What To Do in a Car Accident
Due to the frequency of collisions on the road, it is quite probable that you may be in a car crash or two within your lifetime. What...
Top 10 Car Safety Choices
An important part of vehicles that is taken into account is the safety that it provides. Every car put out to the public goes through...
Grade 11 Physics Concepts: Third Law
Here, we start off today's blog post with some head on collision action! And now, onto Newton's Third Law of Motion!! The Third Law of...
Grade 12 Physics Applications: Safety Features Relating to Impulse
Seat Belts Seat belts stop you tumbling around inside the car if there is a collision. However, they are designed to stretch a bit in a...
How to minimize risk on the road
Now that we’ve gone over a lot of the negative repercussions that can come out of car crashes in terms of safety, let’s talk about...
Gr. 11 Physics Concepts: Second Law
And so, we continue on to exploring the Second of Newton's Laws of Motion, and how it connects to the Physics of Car Crashes!! A...
Now its the waiting game....
So now we’re pretty far into Genius Hour and we’ve done quite a lot of research for our project and experiment. Everything is essentially...